How Physical therapy helps older people suffering from diseases

As we age, our bodies lose the ability to be as good as usual when we were younger operation. After living a full life, wear out our muscles, joints and bones, and we need to stabilize the extra help for our health and wellbeing. Physical therapy is a great service for the elderly, particularly suffering from diseases such as Parkinson's disease Alzheimer's disease multiple sclerosis and multiple cerebral palsy. Here are some of the ways that physical therapy helps seniors cope with this debilitating Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affect movement of a person. Parkinson is often seen as trembling hands and slurred speech, and usually causes stiffness and slow movement of the body. Physical therapy helps people with Parkinson developing aerobic exercises for them, which can help reduce stiffness and improve mobility, balance and posture. Those who suffer from this disease also experience varying degrees of depression, and regular exercise can also help with the symptoms.

How Physical therapy helps older people suffering from diseases
Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia that memory problems, thought and behavior to the cause of a patient. The condition usually deteriorates with time and it is difficult for the patient to also perform daily tasks. Physiotherapists help people with Alzheimer's disease by designing exercises for them. Studies have shown that physical exercise to improve memory, delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, and the slowdown in decreased ability to perform daily tasks of those who have been diagnosed with alzheimer disease. Those who suffer from this disease are also prone to fall and break bones, which can treat physiotherapists as needed.
Cerebral palsy is a movement disorder, muscle tension or attitude that is caused by some kind of problems with the development of the brain of a patient, usually at birth. Those who suffer the disorder of imbalance, exaggerated movements, abnormal behavior and uncontrolled movements. Although the effects of this condition does not deteriorate with age, people with cerebral palsy still have greater problems as they age, such as increased pain, difficulty walking, and fall. Physical therapy helps elderly patients with cerebral palsy by these exercises can help maintain force and prevent joint problem.

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple MS is a disease of the central nervous system which the immune system attack the communication between the brain and the rest of the body and permanent damage and deterioration of nerve disorders. The symptoms of MS vary, depending on the amount of damage to the nerves, but this disease can lead to a number of their ability to walk completely lost. Physiotherapists are able to provide training routines in the field of aerobic exercise, aquatic exercise, yoga and even that may help to improve the balance of a patient's ability to walk, and perhaps to slow the progression of the disease.
How Physical therapy helps older people suffering from diseases How Physical therapy helps older people suffering from diseases Reviewed by Unknown on 6:45 AM Rating: 5
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