How to treat cervical radiculopathy terms with physical therapy

Cervical radiculopathy occurs when a nerve root is compressed from the spinal cord. The compression box for several reasons. If this occurs in younger people, this can occur when a hernia cervical discs from trauma. While in the elderly, it generally takes place spontaneously due to arthritis or a reduction of the disc height in the neck area. When the spinal nerves have influence, they are not well messages to the brain or muscle gain good sense of the specific location arm travels the nerve. Unfortunately affected spinal nerve travels everywhere causing pain, weakness, radiating loss of sensation in the arm.

How to treat cervical radiculopathy terms with physical therapy

compressing the pinched nerve or more problems will return conservative treatment with physical therapy and patients to normal function. Several methods can be used to manage the symptoms of cervical radiculopathy.

physiotherapy modalities for the treatment of cervical radiculopathy

Low Level Laser Therapy Therapy (LLLT) Low Level Laser is an advanced treatment option. The laser light therapy uses very short wavelengths of light (600-1000 nm) in order to penetrate human tissue in order to facilitate tissue healing, reducing pain and swelling. The particles which assemble photons to waveforms to light. The transmission of light through the layers of the skin at all wavelengths in the visible range. LLLT can be used for the patient's pain.

Traction: Spinal traction is a form of decompression therapy that relieves pressure on the spine. It can be done manually or by machine from the tractor table. spinal traction is used for herniated discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, and treat many other back disorders. spinal traction stretches the spine to draw pressure compressed discs.

Ultrasound therapy: ultrasound therapy has been shown to accelerate pain and improve function and cartilage repair. The ultrasonic sound wave is converted into heat in the deep tissues, which open the blood vessels in which deliver oxygen to the injured area.

Electrical stimulation: A study in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry found that electrical stimulation decreased pain in patients with cervical radiculopathy 40%. Electrical treatments can relieve pain by helping the muscles that are tight or spasms relax. This can be an excellent option for patients who want to stay away from drugs. The treatment works in two ways; First, a stimulation that the body interprets pain differently than supply and second, can artificially make the muscle contract break the spasm cycle.

Therapeutic Exercise: Use of cervical mobility exercises help relieve symptoms and increase the range of motion of a patient. neck pieces are particularly useful when a patient sits for any length of time and help to keep the pressure on the neck.
Neck pain is the third most common cause of chronic pain; with more than a quarter of Americans report neck as the location of their pain. Unfortunately, many Americans were resigned to the pain because they simply feel that it is a normal condition. According to a recent survey by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), nearly one in two Americans say that pain is part of life, while another 41% believe that pain is a standard part of the process aging. It is important to feed patients of their treatment options in order to empower them to treatment. Patients should not suffer a cervical radiculopathy, especially as physical therapy can not only alleviate the symptoms but eliminate the problem entirely.
How to treat cervical radiculopathy terms with physical therapy How to treat cervical radiculopathy terms with physical therapy Reviewed by Unknown on 10:30 PM Rating: 5
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