How Layer patient care approaches can be effective: A case study

Let's look at a patient's case study on how the hybrid health care can work on providing examine the best possible care for patients.

How Layer patient care approaches can be effective: A case study
LBP Case Study

John is a patient complaining of pain in the lower back. He had back pain history, but its current pain was exacerbated by a vehicle accident there a month ago when the car he was rammed a passenger. He works in marketing and sitting at his desk in front of a computer for hours at a time. At the end of the day, he says he knows radiating pain on his legs. It comes with a pelvic rotation, poor posture and lack of basic control.

1. Chiropractic Care: In this case, the chiropractor would respond to the rotation of the patient's pelvis with manual adjustment. This manipulation could help move the new basin in the right joint. In addition, the patient can help put a traction table alleviate some of the pressure and the pain of discs in the lower back.

2. Physical: The rotation of the physiotherapist basin would also address mobilizations and manual therapy. In addition, therapeutic exercise will be used to strengthen the core of support to the lower back. analgesic modalities will also be used, such as ultrasound, laser therapy low level and TENS units.

3. Acupuncture: This non-traditional therapy is gaining popularity in the treatment of pain in the back and neck. In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Pain, acupuncture has been found to be effective in reducing pain, and the reduction was effective up to 6 months. The needles are positioned along the body at certain points and stimulated by electrical stimulation for short periods. Participants reported decreased pain and increased relaxation.

4. Massage: This additional therapy will be used to solve problems or specific injuries, in this case, radiating sciatic pain. Trigger point release and deep tissue massage to be used to help release the sciatic nerve and inhibit experience radiating pain.

5. Pilates: Another great complementary therapy, Pilates address the lack of core strength through carpet and exercises work changed the Reformer and Cadillac machines. core strengthening is essential in this case study to help decrease the risk of recurrent pain in the back.

Health and patient choice on how to address the changing health needs. Using a multi-layered approach is a wonderful way to ensure patient sharp to offer their unique set of needs address.
How Layer patient care approaches can be effective: A case study How Layer patient care approaches can be effective: A case study Reviewed by Unknown on 12:00 PM Rating: 5
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